Flood Geology Blogs
Geo Christian
This blog authored by geologist Kevin Nelstead deals with a variety of science/faith issues. According to Nelstead, "...I blog about science, the environment, and Christianity at The GeoChristian. I am especially interested in the Earth sciences, though I can write somewhat intelligently about other areas of science as well. I am employed as a Natural Resources Specialist with a focus on Geographic Information Systems (GIS). I live in the geological wonderland called Montana. The primary objective of The GeoChristian is to increase science literacy among Evangelical Christians, especially in the areas of the Earth and environmental sciences. I aim to discuss controversial topics in ways that are sound both Biblically and scientifically, and to do so in a way that treats all readers with respect."
The GeoChristian deals with a variety of topics, including young earth creationism, books (reviews), apologetics, Christianity, creation in the bible, old earth creationism, and origins.
Age of Rocks
This blog authored by geoscientist Jonathon Baker deals with a variety of science/faith issues. According to Baker, "Age of Rocks is an online resource for anyone interested in the Earth sciences, but particularly those from a Young-Earth Creationist (YEC) background. I explore a wide range of topics in geology and even theology, typically in response to claims made by creation ministries such as Answers in Genesis and the Institute for Creation Research. The modern creationist movement has grown rapidly in the last 50 years and remains strong today, despite numerous advances in the Earth and life sciences. Their success is due in part to a communicative barrier, I believe, between YEC’s and their critics, as well as a perceived dichotomy between so-called ‘biblical creationism’ and ‘evolutionary naturalism’. So long as this dichotomy exists, there is little room for critical discussion, and that’s what I hope to change. I aim to offer a biblical worldview that recognizes how God has satisfied our scientific curiosity in the rocks beneath our feet."
Age of Rocks deals with varied subjects, including age of the earth, ancient oceans, caves, climate change, flood geology, fossils, geochemistry, geochronology, ice ages, Ken Ham/AiG, paleoclimatology, plate tectonics, science/faith, sedimentology/stratigraphy, theology/scripture, and "what is science?"
Letters to Creationists
This blog authored by chemical engineer Scott Buchanan deals with a variety of science/faith issues. According to Buchanan, the Letters to Creationists "represents my attempt to parse reality: what things happen in accord with natural laws, and what is supernatural? Two major themes are creation/evolution and present-day miracles. My working hypothesis is that all events since the Big Bang have unfolded according to the observed regularities known as 'natural laws,' unless there is some personal interaction between God and a human. This militates against most forms of special creation, but allows for miracles in situations where faith and covenantal significance are involved. All the facts seem to align with this hypothesis, but it is of course open to correction. My personal faith journey is described in Evolution and Faith: My Story, Part 1.
Letters to Creationists deals with varied subjects, including geology/fossils, genetics, apologetics, theology/bible interpretation, history of creationism, remarkable healings, applied technology/economics, and work of the American Scientific Affiliation.